Published: June 15, 2017
Thanks to all members who completed the annual Marpole BIA Member survey last month. We appreciate receiving your responses through fax, mail and new this year, online via Survey Monkey.
Your feedback is critical to ensuring that the Marpole BIA continues to find ways to serve you, our members, in the most effective manner possible.
The top five issues identified by members are as follows:
1. Property Taxes AND Crime + Policing (tied)
3. Street Beautification + Cleanliness
4. Parking AND Community Planning (tied)
5. Flower Pots + Landscaping
Top Concerns
Property Taxes
Members expressed concern and alarm over the increase in property assessments and taxation levels, and their impacts on business leases and costs.
Partially as a result of densification and zoning changes related to the 2014 Marpole Community Plan, property values have increased, in some cases by 70% year over year.
As commercial property taxes rates are 4 to 1 to residential taxes, businesses shoulder an unequal taxation burden that is causing upheaval in the retail market. It is increasingly difficult to do business in Vancouver.
The lack of a split assessment model means that the property valuations by BC Assessment, coupled with the municipal tax rates, have created an ever more challenging business climate.
The Marpole BIA has been at the forefront in leading and supporting the Vancouver Fair Tax Coalition, on behalf of our members.
We have been involved with meetings of senior City staff, City Councillors, the Urban Development Institute, and Provincial Deputy Ministers to problem-solve this complex issue. Pending the formation of a new provincial government in Victoria, we will continue to work on this file on behalf of all members.
Crime & Safety
Members expressed significent concern about safety, particularly increases in social disorder, homelessness and
mental health issues in Marpole. These issues have also increased citywide, as Vancouver struggles with drug addiction
and mental health issues on a large scale.
Along with our Vancouver BIA colleagues, we met with Vancouver City Manager Sadhu Johnson and Vancouver
Police Chief Adam Palmer to discuss these large and complex concerns.
There is a commitment to work together to problem-solve these issues. However, health and policing resources are
strained and limited.
The City is struggling to work with higher levels of government to mitigate the underlying issues, such as drug
addiction and mental health resources. But it will not happen overnight.
Members are encouraged to call 311 to report disorder issues, or 911 to report emergencies. Members should also call the Marpole BIA at 604-418-8232 to report issues of concern. We will do our best to assist as much as possible.